Part I - Pre-Assembly Processing
These steps take raw Illumina® sequence data and
prepare it for de novo assembly, using a series of quality-controls and
Part II - De novo Assembly & Genome Finishing
This phase of genome production takes high-quality short
sequence reads, and by homology-based overlaps, joins them into longer and
longer pieces.
Part III - Quality Assessment of New Genomes
Part IV - Annotation & Genome Comparison
Addendum - Relevant Websites and Lists of Scripts Used
All scripts used are freely available online (web links
provided) or are available here (see Downloads link on left) for download and
free use.
References for the related manuscript and published sources
of software, as well as contributors to these scripts and descriptions.
(link to top)
Part I: Pre-Assembly
1. Convert Illumina output to standard format
This script (
converted the output of an Illumina® sequencer, which is a FASTQ
file using Illumina®-encoded base qualities, into a standard FASTQ
format using Sanger-encoding of base qualities. It also removed the duplicated
identifier line in each read, making the file size more manageable.
As part of the Illumina®
library preparation, adaptors were ligated onto fragments of sheared genomic
DNA and then size-selected on a gel. If the size selection includes fragments
that are too small, the resulting library will include short inserts where the
sequencing reads include both genomic DNA and adaptor sequence from the far
side. This script (fastx_clipper) removed any recognizable Illumina adaptor
sequence. (Oligonucleotide sequence © 2007-2009 Illumina, Inc. All rights
reserved.) It is part of the FASTX-Toolkit1
3. Remove host genome contamination
Sequencing reads that are only
one nucleotide can occur as a technical artifact, and complicate de novo
assembly because of the frequent but shorter monomer repeats found in PRV
strains. We used a short script ( to filter
these out.
If two flowcell lanes were used
to sequence the same PRV strain, we concatenated sequence data from the two
sequencing lanes.
De novo assembly is improved by
removing poor-quality base calls from the end of short-sequence reads produced
by Illumina®. We used two scripts to achieve this. First, we used
an adapted version of the quality-trimming script ( that is
packaged with the SSAKE3 de
novo assembly software. With this script we modified the parameters for
quality threshold (T) and the number of consecutive bases above threshold (C).
The second script (fastx_trimmer) is a quality-insensitive length trimmer from
the FASTX-Toolkit1 (,
which truncates all sequences at a specified length (L). These two scripts
were used to generate four versions of each FASTQ file.
(link to top)
1. De novo assembly
The SSAKE3 de novo assembler was used to join the
short, single-end Illumina® reads into longer blocks of sequence, or
contigs. Each of the four FASTQ files produced above was assembled by SSAKE
under two independent conditions. First the default settings of SSAKE were
used. Second the trim option (T) was called, which trims a specified number of
bases from the end of a contig when all possible other joins have been
exhausted. Using these two options and the four input files with varying
quality & length filters, we obtained a total of eight SSAKE assemblies for
each viral strain genome. Each SSAKE assembly is a multi-line FASTA file
containing all newly produced contigs, varying in size from approximately
0.1-50 kb.
The Staden4,5 DNA sequence analysis package ( was
used to further assemble the long sequence contigs produced by SSAKE3. Output from all eight SSAKE
assemblies was imported using Staden’s pregap program, which randomized their
order and removed exact duplicates. These were passed to a gap4 database
within the Staden program, and then processed for automated contig joining via
the menu command “normal shotgun assembly”. Additional contig joins were found
using the menu command “find internal joins”. The gap4 parameters below
increase the allowed database size and number of input sequences.
3. Ordering of contigs and final assembly
The larger contigs produced by
Staden’s gap44,5 were exported
(“save consensus” menu command) and compared to the previous PRV reference
genome (NC_006151)
using NCBI’s blast2seq6 (
The “discontinuous megablast” option found the most homology between PRV
sequences at this step. We changed several blast2seq parameters (listed below)
from their default settings, to optimize matching. The blast2seq output
allowed us to place the contigs in a likely order along the genome, and revealed
potential bad joins in the contigs. Incorrect de novo assembly can occur at
sites where the same 20 base pairs appear twice in the PRV genome. These small
overlaps are sufficient for a join in Staden’s gap4 program (Step 2 above) but
were not supported by RFLP analysis. Additional contig adjustments, both
breaks and joins, were made in Staden’s gap4 to create the final assembly.
Final genome assemblies were further improved by PCR validation and repeat
expansion (Part III, Step 3 below), and verified by RFLP analysis.
Final contig joining and curation in Staden’s gap44,5 created PRV genomes with a unique
long region (UL), a large internal inverted repeat (IR), a unique short region
(US), and the beginning of the large terminal repeat (TR). We used literature
references and homology searching to identify the boundaries of IR and the
beginning of TR. Using a standard sequence manipulation package (e.g.
we copied the IR fragment, reverse complemented it, and merged it with the
beginning of TR to create a full TR region. We queried the unused Staden
contigs to search for alternative contigs that could have contributed to TR
(for instance, subtle differences in short sequence repeats [SSRs] within IR
and TR), but were unable to validate any such difference by PCR. The final
genome containing all regions (UL-IR-US-TR) was used for all subsequent steps.
(link to top)
Part III: Quality
Assessment of New Genomes
1. Test alignment to
viral genome
In this step, the Bowtie2 software package (
was used to index the newly assembled viral genome and then to examine how well
the Illumina® sequence data support the finished genome. An option
(--best) within Bowtie was used to reduce strand bias in alignment of sequence
reads, which is especially relevant due to the presence of the direct repeats
(IR and TR) in the finished genomes. Another option (--sam) sent the output
into .sam format. Next a script (view) from the SAMtools7 software package (
was used to convert the .sam (-S) format to .bam (-b) format. Another SAMtools
script (sort) puts the sequence reads of the .bam file in order along the
genome, for faster memory access during subsequent steps. We used a third
SAMtools script (pileup) to determine how many sequence reads supported or
covered each base of indexed genome (a “pileup” of the data). We used option
(-f) to indicate the reference genome (.fasta format) and (-c) to report the
consensus sequence from the sorted alignment file (.bam format). One final
script (sampileup2wig.awk) converted this pileup to a wiggle graph (.wig)
format, which is viewable in a genome browser such as IGB8 ( We used
the option (-v) to supply a name for this track as it appears in the genome
2. Check for
polymorphisms in the genome
The numerous sequence reads aligned to the genome in
the above steps can be used to screen for any polymorphic base calls (also
called single nucleotide polymorphisms, or SNPs). We used a SAMtools7 script (varFilter) to check for polymorphic base calls. We set the
depth (–D) to 40,000 to accomodate the deep sequence coverage observed across
the viral genome. Another script (samsnp2bed.awk) converted the varFilter
output to a file (.bed) suitable for display in a genome browser such as IGB ( We used the option
(-v) to supply a name for this track as it appears in the genome browser. A
final script ( extracted statistics from the varFilter output,
e.g. the number of sequence reads at these sites and percent support for the
primary vs. secondary base call.
3. Coverage Adjusted
Perfect Repeat Expansion (CAPRE)
initial pileup and wiggle graphs revealed several areas of extreme sequence
coverage depth which coincided with perfect short sequence repeats (SSRs). The
CAPRE script was used to estimate SSR length at several such sites in each PRV
genome. First, bioinformatic tools available through the Galaxy9 project (
were used to determine the median sequence coverage from each genome’s pileup
file (“Summary Statistics” in Galaxy, using pileup file from Step 1 above). A
tab-delimited intervals file of regions for CAPRE expansion was created for
each genome. These regions were required to coincide with a perfect SSR (see
accompanying manuscript for details of SSR mapping), to have coverage depth
more than two standard deviations above the median (“Pileup-to-Interval” in
Galaxy, with depth cutoff), and to be intergenic (checked manually). An
additional tab-delimited file of median coverage depth for a given G/C content
(as determined for 10-mers tiled across the genome) was also produced for each
genome. This script ( used the genome sequence, the intervals
for expansion file, the G/C coverage depth file, and the sorted (.bam) file of
sequence coverage along the genome (Step 1 above) to generate its output. The
script estimated an appropriate SSR length at each CAPRE interval based on the
expected coverage depth for its G/C content versus the actual observed coverage
depth. The expanded SSR was inserted into the genome at the correct location, resulting
in a finished genome (.fasta) file that was used to re-test alignment and
coverage depth (Step 1 above).
(link to top)
Part IV: Annotation & Genome Comparison
1. Migrate
annotations from a reference genome to each new genome
This step uses homology between new and known genomes
to annotate the location of coding sequences. For PRV genomes in this report,
we extracted all genes and coding sequences (CDS regions) from the GenBank
record of the mosaic reference genome NC_006151 (
These annotations were converted to the general feature format (.gff) using
the Readseq10 biological sequence conversion tool (
This format is convenient for storing genome annotations, because .gff files
can be directly loaded into genome browsers such as IGB8 ( to display
gene and coding sequence regions spatially along the genome. Next, a migration
script ( was used to compare the original and new genome
sequences, and locate homologous regions on the new genome for each sequence
feature on the original genome. Because this mapping is based on homology,
minor truncations can occur if nucleotide differences, insertions, or deletions
(indels) occur at the edges of the homologous region. The script alerts users
to this type of error if it fails to detect a start or stop codon in a coding
sequence. These issues were corrected by manual inspection of the
homology-based alignment (e.g. using NCBI’s blast2seq, as above) and adjustment
of the appropriate genome position in the resulting .gff file.
2. Detection of DNA
conservation across the genome
The mVISTA11 program (
was used to create a multiple-sequence DNA alignment of the full-length genomes
being compared. We used the LAGAN option with no repeat-masking for these
comparisons. The genome annotations produced above can be re-formatted for
upload into mVISTA (see mVISTA site for format description), to provide a view
of genes or coding regions along with the DNA conservation.
3. Extracting DNA and AA sequences for each coding region
To determine which DNA sequence differences fall into
coding sequences, and which subset of these affect the protein coding
sequences, we first extracted the DNA and amino acid (AA) sequence for each
coding region of the genome. This script ( extracted the
sequence of coding regions determined in step 1 above, and reported them to a
new file. By default, this script translates the defined coding sequence and reports
an AA sequence. An option (-notrans) allowed for extraction of the DNA
sequence within these boundaries as well. If the genome contained coding
sequences that are spliced, then another option (-id) specified an identifier
in the .gff file that was used to join spliced segments together.
4. Comparison of
silent and non-synonymous differences in coding regions
Once DNA and AA sequences of each coding region have
been extracted for each PRV strain genome, these can be compared between
strains using another script ( This script uses BLAST6 to align any two DNA or AA sequences (e.g. reference and new), and then
reports all differences between the two sequences using a standard format
(reference residue-position-new residue, e.g. A100T or C200R). Insertions and
deletions were reported using a dash, with the position determined on the
reference sequence. An option (-type) allowed the user to specify whether DNA
or AA sequences are being compared. By default, this script reported a BLAST
alignment of the two sequences, which provided a visual display of differences.
An option (-diff) produced a text list of the differences between two strains
(e.g. UL42: E331A), for each coding sequence in the genome. This list was used
as input for the next step.
5. Determination of
unique vs. shared differences between multiple sequences
When comparing two new viral genomes to a reference
genome sequence, we found it useful to segregate the observed differences into
those that were unique to one strain, vs. those that were shared with another
strain. This script ( uses the list of differences between each
pair of genomes (produced in Step 4 above), to sort differences into unique vs.
shared groups. Based on the input files “strain 1 differences from reference”
and “strain 2 differences from reference”, the default output of this script
was to sequentially report differences unique to strain 1, followed by
differences unique to strain 2, followed by differences from the reference that
are shared by strains 1 and 2.
(link to top)
Addendum: Relevant Websites and Lists of Scripts Used
Web links to
open-source software available online:
o FASTX-Toolkit1
o Bowtie2
o SAMtools7
o Staden4,5 (gap4)
o Integrated Genome Browser8 (IGB)
o Integrative Genomics Viewer12 (IGV)
Links for web-based
o blast2seq6
o Galaxy9
o Readseq10
o mVista11
Scripts written or
adapted at Princeton
These scripts are also available as a single file via the Download link at left.
o sampileup2wig.awk
o samsnp2bed.awk
(link to top)
script instructions relate to the submitted manuscript, “A wide extent of
inter-strain diversity in virulent and vaccine strains of alpha-herpesviruses”,
by M.L. Szpara, Y. R. Tafuri, L. Parsons, S. R. Shamim, K. J. Verstrepen, M.
Legendre, and L. W. Enquist.
descriptions and instructions for use by Moriah L. Szpara (mszpara at
scripts written by Lance Parsons (lparsons
assembled by Peter Koppstein (biocomp-group at
work was done in the laboratory of L. W. Enquist (
the Department of Molecular Biology (,
and in the Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics (
at Princeton University (
Published and pre-existing resources:
1 Hannon, G. J. et al. FASTX-Toolkit:
FASTQ/A short-reads pre-processing tools.
2 Langmead,
B., Trapnell, C., Pop, M. & Salzberg, S. L. Ultrafast and memory-efficient
alignment of short DNA sequences to the human genome. Genome Biol 10, R25 (2009).
3 Warren,
R. L., Sutton, G. G., Jones, S. J. & Holt, R. A. Assembling millions of
short DNA sequences using SSAKE. Bioinformatics 23,
500-501 (2007).
4 Staden,
R. The Staden sequence analysis package. Mol
Biotechnol 5, 233-241 (1996).
5 Staden,
R., Judge, D. P. & Bonfield, J. K. Sequence assembly and finishing methods.
Methods Biochem Anal 43,
303-322 (2001).
6 Altschul,
S. F., Gish, W., Miller, W., Myers, E. W. & Lipman, D. J. Basic local
alignment search tool. J Mol Biol 215, 403-410
7 Li, H. et al. The Sequence Alignment/Map
format and SAMtools. Bioinformatics 25,
2078-2079 (2009).
8 Nicol,
J. W., Helt, G. A., Blanchard, S. G., Jr., Raja, A. & Loraine, A. E. The
Integrated Genome Browser: free software for distribution and exploration of
genome-scale datasets. Bioinformatics 25,
2730-2731 (2009).
9 Blankenberg,
D. et al. Galaxy: a web-based genome
analysis tool for experimentalists. Curr Protoc
Mol Biol Chapter 19, Unit 19 10 11-21 (2010).
10 Gilbert,
D. G. Readseq -- biosequence conversion tool. (2010).
11 Frazer,
K. A., Pachter, L., Poliakov, A., Rubin, E. M. & Dubchak, I. VISTA:
computational tools for comparative genomics. Nucleic Acids
Res 32, W273-279 (2004).
12 Robinson,
J. T. et al. Integrative genomics
viewer. Nat Biotechnol 29, 24-26