; Parameters for TigerFISH [cell_segmentation] ; Method used to determine best focus later in DAPI images ; Allowed values: variance, intensity DAPI_focus_layer_method = variance ; Number of layers above and below best focus layer to use when segmenting ; cells DAPI_layers_around_focus = 3 ; Use 2D or 3D data when estimating DNA content of nucleus DAPI_Dimensions = 2D ; Contrast (H-maxima) of nuclear pixels above cells DAPI_Contrast = 0.137 ; Minimum cell area (pixels) minCellSize = 40 [spot_detection] ; Minimum ratio of inner to outer spot intesity for each dye ; [cy3 cy3_5 cy5] ; ; In the absence of noise the contrast should be 1. The more noisy a channel ; is, the higher the threshold has to be and the exact value can be determined ; by the noise level in a channel from control images. Threshold_Contrast = 1.3, 1.4, 1.3 ; Minimum distance between neighboring spots ; (duplicates are discarded, ; keep only the brightest) ; Distance in z is downwieghted to 25% vs. x and y spot_merge_distance = 5 [spot_measurement] ; Algorithm used to measure spot intensity ; Allowed values: 2D_local, 2D, 3D ; 2D_local - 2D Gaussian mask with local background around spot ; 2D - Uses 2D Gaussian mask with global background per image ; 3D - Non-parametric 3D spot intensity measurement algorithm = 2D_local ; Manual intensity thresholding ; for Cy3, Cy3.5, Cy5 ; 3D algorithm sample: { 0.22, 0.32, 0.3 }; ; 2D algorithm sample: { 750, 750, 750 }; ; Use 0 to automatically compute Threshold_Intensity = 2000, 3000, 2000 ;Threshold_Intensity = 0, 0, 0 ; Automatic Thresholding FDR_Threshold = 0.05 ; NULL distribution calculation method (per dye, [cy3 cy3_5 cy5]) ; 1 = Deterimne a threshold based on: (1) the mode and (2) assuming the distribution of single probe intensities is symmetric ; 2 = Deterimne a threshold by assuming spots outside of cells are single probes and computing the CDF for those spots ; Note: Probabilities are always calculated using inside vs outside spots NULL = 1, 1, 1 [misc] ; Saves detailed results (can be reused later) Save_Detailed_Results = true